Ranis Whore
Joined: 28 Jun 2006
Posts: 1331
Location: Austria
ok .. had on monday a nice trip to 2e-z (or so) killed a raven and a geddon there
jumped to 2e-z .. three in local .. phoenix 888 in his stabbed cloaking npc-ishtar [ O_o ], malaphar and verreuckter - look above ... malaphar and verreuckter in AFs
[08:39:17] Phoenix 888 > Ishquar Teh'Sainte - very predictable
[08:39:31] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > rofl ...
[08:39:39] Phoenix 888 > ME TOO
[08:39:42] Phoenix 888 > really
[08:39:57] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > a GROON was going hunting in BWF Oo
jumped out to the next system
[08:46:44] Malaphar > then i would have joined ya
[08:46:48] Verreuckter > that guy
[08:47:00] Malaphar > oh!!!
[08:47:05] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > o/
[08:47:08] Phoenix 888 > here he is again - must be bored today
[08:47:09] Malaphar > you should have said EUPHORIA
[08:47:14] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > how are you??
[08:47:24] Malaphar > well im alright and you
[08:47:36] Phoenix 888 > afk
[08:47:50] Malaphar > hes worried about them yet he goes afk
[08:47:55] Malaphar > that makes no sense at all
[08:48:02] Malaphar > i bet hes lieing
[08:48:04] Malaphar > lol
[08:48:08] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > damn . .am i not even allowed to fly to fdz anymore??
[08:48:22] Malaphar > ?
[08:48:26] Malaphar > why would that be
[08:49:04] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > because there are some hostiles??
[08:49:15] Malaphar > who?
[08:49:19] Verreuckter > i think its you that is hostile
[08:49:19] Malaphar > what corp
[08:49:24] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > e.g. KOS
[08:49:34] Malaphar > dont know eg sorry
[08:49:42] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > grr .. the crow left the system -.-
[08:49:44] Malaphar > but i would agree with berr your the hostile sorry
[08:49:55] Malaphar > verr*
[08:50:11] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > e.g. = in example
[08:50:17] Malaphar > oh lol
[08:50:22] Malaphar > thought you meant corp
[08:50:25] Verreuckter > i.e.
[08:50:43] Malaphar > your guys are the hostiles though so don't expect me to believe you have hostiles for no reason lol
[08:50:52] Malaphar > i know your corp
[08:50:56] Malaphar > and your friends
[08:51:03] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > e.g. is derived from latin
trying to get more time, so they won't get too suspicious and warp to a safe - afterwards they tell me they wanted to know what gang we will bring - so they stayed in the belt
[08:51:33] Malaphar > latin for i dont fucking care
[08:51:43] Malaphar > ok i feel better now
[08:51:44] Malaphar > lol
[08:52:05] Malaphar > see go figure
[08:52:10] Malaphar > where is your buddies at
[08:52:32] Malaphar > i know how you guys oporate
i warped into their belt ... scrambled the enyo after the retri warped out - bodhi jumps in
[08:53:25] Malaphar > look see 1 of your guys already
[08:53:27] Malaphar > go figure
read the fight report further down
[08:55:05] Verreuckter > gf
[08:55:08] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > gf
[08:55:09] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > =)
[08:55:13] Malaphar > same story another day
[08:55:26] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > but this time it was better than last time =)
[08:55:28] Malaphar > tell you what next time why dont you come in something more respectable
[08:55:34] Malaphar > yes better than last time
[08:55:38] Malaphar > but still dumb
[08:55:53] Verreuckter > mind if i get the km?
[08:55:56] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > of yours .. why are you still staying in the belts when hostiles are around??
[08:56:07] Malaphar > waiting for you
[08:56:11] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > ^^
[08:56:11] Malaphar > and to see who you bring
[08:56:25] Malaphar > lets just say
[08:56:35] Malaphar > you might be getting an unexpected visit
[08:57:11] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > btw - was your enyo a jagerbomb setup? with scram and web??
[08:57:17] Verreuckter > no
[08:57:21] Verreuckter > ab, web
[08:57:31] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > had the retribution a scram??
[08:57:35] Verreuckter > no
[08:57:41] Malaphar > negative
[08:57:41] Verreuckter > dire gurista spawn
[08:57:45] Malaphar > i only have 1 mid sot come on
[08:57:46] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > ROFL ... a npc frigate then scrambled me
[08:57:51] Malaphar > why the hell i have a scram
[08:58:02] Ishquar Teh'Sainte > could have been that you could have setup for it
[08:59:41] Malaphar > bah to slow
[08:59:46] Malaphar > nah dont setup for it
[08:59:57] Malaphar > like i said unexpected visit
[09:00:57] Malaphar > do me a favor
[09:01:02] Malaphar > ass hat lol
[09:01:10] Malaphar > pod me
[09:01:19] Malaphar > free kill
[09:01:27] Malaphar > so i can come back for you
[09:01:49] Malaphar > oh what was that
[09:01:51] Malaphar > you suck
[09:02:19] Malaphar > call get out of area
fight report:
i'm in 2e-z, bodhi in the neighbour system at the gate (need to mention - bodhi was in airaken when i jumped the first time into the system - so i wasn't in gang at this time ... like last time - they "ignored" my presence around).
i try to distract them again - seems it worked ... warp into their belt (they are still hunting together) .. 60k - 80k off from me ... i approach the retri - he warps out .. try to approach the enyo .. he stays ... scrambling him and staying out of his webrange - 20k scram + mwd + 15k orbit ... i tell bodhi to jump in and warp to me ... my cap is going down quite fast ... but stays - as i slided a few time allmost to far out (15k orbit with mwd = 19-20k orbit) i adjust it to 10k orbit ... orbiting him now at 14k ... npc-frigs start shooting me ... cap is allmost going down .. i deactivate mwd to allow my scrambler to run - which brings me into the webrange of the enyo - forgetting to adjust orbit ftl!!
... i go down quite fast - the enyo still scrambled .. he goes *poof* only a few seconds after my ranis ... i tried to warp out but was scrambled - asked the enyopilot if he was jagerbomb fitted. but he wasn't ... a f***ing npc-rat had me scrambled.
sitting on my safespot - bodhi tells me he got the retribution ...
loss: 1 taranis and a few t2 modules
killed: 1 enyo, 1 retribution
conclusio - so those two guys lost in one week 4 ships to E-R because they stayed foolishly in the belts when i jumped into the system lurked around there _________________