Site Owner
Joined: 18 Nov 2005
Posts: 55014
Location: Netherlands
Some of you may know by now...
I am trying to get my security status up for many reasons..
And i want to be done with it quickly..
So i choose a nice quiet triangle system in geminate..
A dead-end constellation.. which i knew had a few Sempiternus posses..
In the first couple days these (polish) guys didnt quite bother with me being there...
Until saturday..
On of them found it wise to attack me in his typhoon while i was just jumping gates..
I didnt knew what was on the other side, so i did not agress and jump through..
Nothing on the other side.. They had a few in local but no real danger.. wewt, lets bring it..
I warped Your Choice to the gate and the typhoon already jumped to B-F1MI..
Jumped on it with dellie and started remote repping with Your Choice drifting back to the gate..
He knew what he was doing because he had a kin/therm tank against me.. damnit!!
Out goes the T2 valkyries on both ships.. rawr!!!11!!111! eat this:
Just when he popped.. in comes the little blob...
2x Tempest 1x Deimos 1x Drake 2x Myrmidon..
Holy shit run!!!...
Oops... scrambled... errr... whelp anyone?
Then i found out the immense tanking ability of my deimos with the help of an oneiros..
I Had to survive 30 seconds on the gate.. mama mia my bums where squized tight lol....
Luckily they never thought about shooting Your Choice... stupid discision.. they could instapop him..
Out jump both ships and run like hell
After 30 minutes i was able to continue to carebear.. yay \o/
They did not bother me until monday evening..
I was happily jumping between the 3 systems while killing off bs npc's...
Until i jumped in dellie in W-3BSU.. crap... the same blob again..
Quick look... Blackbird 100k in allignment from a planet.. rawr..
I log off Your Choice and jump dellie back into BE-UUN after a bum-tightning run back to the gate..
Then warp to B-F1MI gate jump in and warp to W-3BSU gate.. lets go kill that blackbird..
I jump into W-3BSU and warp to planet VI where the blackbird was in allignment from..
Warp to the gate at a 100.. nothing there... crap...
All of a sudden the blackbird comes out of warp next to me.. lol.. idiot..
I only needed 3 volleys of my T2 Ions resulting:
Again... out comes the blob.. run the hell away... jump back into B-F1MI..
Log on Your Choice.. jump him into B-F1MI also..
Sitting in a safesport, they slowly drip into B-F1MI..
Prophecy, Myrmidon, Drake, Typhoon...
My poor little brains start thinking again..
I did it before.. they made the mistake earlier..
Fuck this.. lets rock!!
Warp to the LR-2XT gate, which is the ONLY way out of that constellation..
They sit on the gate.. and as soon as i land instantly agro me.. I jump out..
1 Local in LR-2XT, nothing on scanner.. cool...
Jump back into B-F1MI, start kicking the living shit out of the typhoon while warping in Your Choice..
Thank god i had a mwd on Your Choice as i was a bit far away ...
Start repping with only 2 remote reps, which is enough at this time and mwd around dellie at 35-40 while going 1.5 k/s
Again.. they dont even lock Your Choice... nubs
Typhoon dead... i see shield-boost effect on drake.. thank god no passive tank...
Surpise surprise.. the drake melts like a bitch...
Next up.. Prophecy.. has a bit better tank.. but does not survive long either..
Myrmidon is warped at this moment.. shit.. i wanted to have a go at him too..
WOOOSSHHHH, gate goes off.. *uh-oh*
Ishtar decloaks and mofo's at Your Choice... SHIIIITTTTTT!!! RUNN!!!!!
Chase him with dellie with a 200 m/s difference form 30k while Your CHoice keeps mwd-ing and repping...
While Your Choice is webbed and bleeding deep into armor.. I manage to web the ishtar with dellie..
I am able to get Your Choice out of web range and mwd around dellie again.. IN 15% STRUCTURE!!!
At that moment.. im shaking and sweating like a fat pig on lsd.. fucking hell what a rush..
Local goes in broken english "gf gf gf, wow what a tank on that ship maan!!"
I go in local: "dellie and your choice is 1 person, neener neener..."
Only thing left for them to say: ":'("
I collect cans, warp to a ss... and try to breath normal again...
What an insane fight that was...
This is how my Oneiros looks like now:
I hope you enjoyed it
Dellie _________________